Monday, September 29, 2008

Need Better Way To Blog On The iPhone

I totally get what a post on Pocketables was talking about when he complained about blogging in the iPhone.

Some of my issues are not dificult to solve and I am sure will be resolved eventually.

- Cut and paste. Specifically, I want to be able to great links I find on Safari. This was mentioned in the post as well.
- Ability to add images. I recently posted about LifeCast which I love because I can now post to Blogger. But now, I am not able to send text and images in the same post.
- Limitation on Safari. A lot of blog sites offer iPhone versions (except Blogger...). Still, it is a tripped down version due to mobile Safari.
- Adding tags.

I am posting this from LifeCast now but since I am limited by what I can do on the iPhone, I am going to have to reference Pocketables as the app let me.

Maybe we will get what I want soon. Maybe not, but we will have to see where we stand once developers have more time to get to know the SDK and Apple offers more features such as cut-and-paste.

Via Compromised Mobile Blogging With iPhone 3G

Note: I typed in the html code and honestly at the time of this post, I don't know if we'll a link or just the html code.

Another note: one of the reason I got the G1 is because of how closely it is tied to Google. So I am expectly Blogger to be better implemented on the Android phone.

Posted with LifeCast

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