Saturday, November 8, 2008

Analysts Agree with Onxo on Apple's Netbook Move

Back in late October, while the whole of Internet was abuzz with Steve Jobs' cryptic words about netbooks and that the iPhone is the perfect netbook.

The dude was not kidding.  Jobs was telling us what Apple is working on.  It was right there in front of us.  Onxo believed and continues to believe that Apple's new netbook won't be a netbook.  So, I'm going to repost it here.

Why?  Because it came to my attention that Barclays Capital believes just such a device is possible.  They think it'll come in around $600-700.  I think $700-800.  Dude,  this is Apple after all.  

I don't think we have long to wait.  Macworld 2009 is just around the corner and that is likely when we'll see the "not-a-netbook" netbook from Apple.  So, while we have no idea what it will look like or what it will be capable of, we took the liberty of speculating just for the fun of it and then we try to back it up based on Apple's past behavior and where we think technology is headed.

  • No standard clam-shell form.  Not like netbooks.
  • Will not have a keyboard like standard netbooks.
  • Will not sport a removable battery...duh.
  • Will not cost $300-500.
  • Will cost $700-$800.  Here's the $800 Macbook for you.
  • Will employ multi-touch as seen on the iPhone.  More specifically, it'll use the gestures we now have on the Macbooks.
  • Will use iPod's connector.  In fact, it'll have a lot of mobile features on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
  • Will likely use iPhone's OS rather than the traditional OS.
  • 7"-8" Screen.  Possibly bigger but I doubt it.  Maybe LED, I hope.
  • Wireless connectivity.  I doubt we'll see WiMax.  Just 3G if at all.  Your standard Wi-Fi connectivity.

Now, before we whine about the OS, think about it.  This is a small device that is meant to supplement the Mac, not replace it, though I can see folks looking to do just that.  So, there is no need for a full blown OS.  Now, the software may be more sophisticated.  We might see an iWork version for this "netbook" for folks who will be using it to do work when they're away from their Mac.
So, there's your Apple netbook.  A netbook that's not a netbook.  These are all educated conjectures on my part but it's from watching Apple work all these years.  Nothing more.  It's part informative and partly for fun on a Thursday.  
  • Apple has indicated in the past that the iPhone platform will extend beyond the iPhone and iPhone Touch.
  • Natural evolution.  A mid-sized tablet makes sense.
  • In this form factor, it allows Apple to keep a premium on the device.  This thing will fly off the shelves.  We might even see the price go up as high as $900.  Yeah, you can bet on that.
  • It will leverage the iTunes and App Store even more.  
  • It will create a whole new segment of the market for growth.  
  • Perfect for those looking to get a Mac.  Or for those who think the iPod Touch screen is not big enough.
Anyway, a guess is still a guess.  What do you think?

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olternaut said...

Yup. My assessment as well. Although, I really think its going to need 3G to get things started. Actually, such a device as this is really tailor made for 4G which is why I suspect Jobs might delay the device even beyond macworld 2009. I would scream at that of course but logically its a possibility. =/

Paul said...

Yup...but you know, it's that time of the year...Macworld coming...there's going to be a lot of wild speculations.

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